but we don’t know where we’ve been
And we know what we’re knowin’
but we can’t say what we’ve seen
And we’re not little children
and we know what we want
And the future is certain give us time to work it out
We’re on a road to nowhere
come on inside
Takin’ that ride to nowhere
we’ll take that ride
I’m feelin’ okay this mornin’
and you know,
We’re on the road to paradise
here we go, here we go
Maybe you wonder where you are I don’t care
Here is where time is on our side take you there...take you there
We’re on a road to nowhere
We’re on a road to nowhere
We’re on a road to nowhere
There’s a city in my mind
Come along and take that ride
And it’s all right, baby, it’s all right
And it’s very far away
But it’s growing day by day
And it’s all right, baby, it’s all right
They can tell you what to do
But they’ll make a fool of you
And it’s all right, baby, it’s all right
We’re on a road to nowhere
E' una delle mie canzoni preferite. Di tutti i tempi. La conosco a memoria anche se storpio sempre le parole, e la canto quando sono da sola per non incorrere in severe punizioni corporali da parte di chi mi ascolta.
RispondiEliminaBrava, Poison.
anche a me piace tantissimo, come un sacco di altri pezzi dei T.H. ;)
RispondiEliminacome mai anche lei qua signora?
RispondiEliminacosì, per solidarieà!
RispondiEliminabentornata! :)
azzie :)
RispondiEliminavoglia di (ri)partire?
RispondiEliminaqui non ti piace proprio scrivere vero?
RispondiEliminagià. si nota tanto? :)